All Documented, All True, Comic Book Story of Ed "Strangler" Lewis
Here is the all documented, all true, 100% factual, accurate comic book Life Story of Ed “Strangler” Lewis. This story is a real biography of one of the greatest wrestlers ever to step in the ring. Told in the pages of the scholarly publication known as Sports Action Comics #9 and published in 1951 it is most likely this comic book was drawn on scene as these events actually happened.
Ed “Strangler” Lewis began as a pro baseball player and instead of going home at night after a full day of playing the most boring sport known to exist Ed would do what all the most intelligent toughest members of society have always done and go watch pro-wrestling.
Lewis believed he could beat most of the Wrestlers he watched and so he did what any self respecting athlete would do and left the wussy game of baseball for the real mans sport of Wrestling. At 20 years old Ed Lewis began his career.
To get started Ed Lewis went from town to town wrestling everyone. In no time at all Lewis had wrestled 3,500 matches losing only 12 of them. But even more notorious than Ed Lewis’s winning record was his headlock. Ed Lewis had massive shoulders and once he got a hold of someone's neck he would squeeze it till submission. Earning his name “Strangler!”
But The “Strangler” didn’t just win because of his natural athletic ability or talent. Ed took his training serious and built a special device to make his headlock ever more powerful!
When it came to Jiu-Jitsu Experts The "Strangler" destroyed them all!
After beating everyone in Japan The “Strangler” went to China and beat everyone there also!
With virtually no one left on the planet to beat Ed “Strangler” Lewis wanted a shot at Jim Londos. Londos was considered not only one of the most popular Wrestlers of the time he was also one of the best looking.
Of course Londos wanted no part of the The “Strangler” and denied him the challenge so Lewis decided to no longer just beat more best wrestlers of his day but to also critically injure them in the process!
Checkout this sweet Airplane Spin Lewis slapped on Sammy Stein. Stein was also a professional baseball player for the Brooklyn Dogers.
Lewis continued his rampage across the wrestling circuits. Lewis even beat Richard Shikat who held a victory over Londos. However Londos still wouldn’t face Ed “Strangler” Lewis.
As Lewis aged he continued to wrestle and people began to doubt him and his headlocking. So Lewis took on two challengers in one night beating them both back to back. Let that be a lesson to everyone reading this a good headlock never goes out of style.
Finally The Ed “Strangler” Lewis got his match with Londos...
Lewis continued Wrestling into his fifties but as he got older he picked up more and more losses. Finally Lewis decided to leave wrestling as the acrobatics and theatrics of Professional Wrestling had began to become more popular than the tried and true holds of real, legitimate Wrestling. And The “Strangler” disappeared from Wrestling all together.
That concludes this installment of Pro Wrestling Comics. I’ll be back next month with another review of a Pro Wrestling Comic Book. In the meantime make sure you download a Complimentary copy of my own personal pro-wrestling comic book Strength Monsters created and written by me by simply putting your name and email in the box below.
Source: Sports Action Comics #22 Oct. 1951